There are translations of this video in the following languages: Spanish - Portuguese - German - French - Italian - Japanese - Russian - Greek - Hungarian - Dutch - Chinese - Hebrew THE FIRST PART OF THE ALCYON PLEIADES TRILOGY The following video shows us the events that are already taking place in the cosmos with the approaching of a huge amount of electromagnetic energy coming from the Sun Alcyone of the Pleiades towards our planet Earth and the entire Solar System. Realistic re-creation with original images of incredible cosmic events that will lead to a radical transformation of the world such as we know it and the creation of a new Photonic Era. VIDEO CREATED BY ALCYON. Objective English By Hari Mohan Prasad Ebooking.
There are two partial full moon eclipses surrounding a total new moon eclipse this coming eclipse season which started with the first partial full moon in April 2013. So many people took photos of this moon, so many were tuning in. The sun and moon line up with the nodal axis, and the sun is digested by the lunar being. The nodal axis has a snake head for the north node and a snake tail for the south node. The total new moon eclipse will be on May 9. Also look below for Pleiades setting in western horizon mid May also. Dalin Media Player Free Download here.