On Jan 1, 2013, Brendon Swedlow published the chapter: POLITICAL CULTURE in the book: Encyclopedia of Modern Political Thought.
Baixar Filme A Primeira Vista Dublado Avi here. • • 1.6k Downloads • Abstract This article advocates a more comprehensive understanding of job performance and organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) than that employed by earlier researchers on those topics. Using the intellectual heritage of the word “citizenship” from political philosophy and related disciplines, OCB is positioned as the organizational equivalent of citizen responsibilities, of which there are three categories: obedience, loyalty, and political participation. Two other key citizenship concepts, relational ties and citizen rights, are described, and a set of ten research propositions is offered relating the citizenship concepts to one another. Suggestions for other areas of investigation are also provided.
Finally, the advantages of using OCB as a global measure of individual behavior at work are defended.