While best known for its imaging, ultrasound has many applica tions in medicine. It can diagnose or treat, depending on its parameters (frequency, duty cycle, intensity). In therapy, ultrasound is commonly used to treat soft tissue injuries. It can facilitate the healing process, speed recovery, and decrease pain if utilized correctly. But first of all, what is ultrasound?

Sep 13, 2016. Numb Piano Ringtone Download more. Objective: Evaluating the predictive factors that enable identifying men in which a sole MRI/ultrasound (MRI/US) fusion-guided targeted biopsy (TB) detects the ma.

How does it work? Ultrasound utilizes acoustic, or sound, energy that creates pressure waves when applied to the skin.
In 1880, Pierre and Jacques Curies discovered that certain crystals produce an electrical charge when mechanically compressed. This is called the piezoelectric effect. Since it is not very efficient to crush crystals whenever we want high-frequency sound waves, ultrasound uses the same concept but in reverse (also known as the reverse piezoelectric effect).
Electrical voltage is applied to the crystal, which contracts and expands in response. The vibration of the crystal generates the pressure waves that affect soft tissue. Nowadays, the crystal is encased in the transducer or head of an applicator of an ultrasound unit, and lubricant is used to transmit the energy through the skin to the underlying tissues. Therapeutic ultrasound has two primary purposes: elevate tissue temperature or facilitate the healing process. Continuous ultrasound provides a deep heating effect to underlying tissue; it can reach to a depth of 5 centimeters. Pulsed ultrasound, on the other hand, affects the cell membranes of the targeted tissues and causes increased cellular permeability, diffusion, and many second order effects. It has been clinically shown to facilitate tissue repair (Dyson & Suckling, 1978; Ennis Valdes, Gainer, & Meneses, 2006; Fyfe & Bullock, 1985).
Below are general effects of each ultrasound mode. Therapeutic Effects of Ultrasound • Continuous (thermal) ultrasound • Increases extensibility of soft tissue • Decreases pain and chronic inflammation • Reduces joint stiffness and muscle spasms • Pulsed ultrasound • Facilitates tissue healing or repair • Increases protein synthesis • Can help with fracture or bone healing • Decreases inflammation of an acute injury or peripheral nerves As with all therapeutic modalities, ultrasound is best used in conjunction with a supervised therapy plan with either your occupational or physical therapist. Source Bracciano, A. Physical Agent Modalities: Theory and Application for the Occupational Therapist (2 nd ed.). Thorofare, NJ: SLACK Incorporated. About the Author - Tiffany Tiffany is a certified and licensed occupational therapist in the state of California. She completed her Masters Degree in Occupational Therapy at the University of Southern California and Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology at the University of California, San Diego.
Tiffany has experience with hand therapy, hospital rehabilitation, and stroke rehabilitation. She is passionate about hand therapy and has experience working with numerous diagnoses, such as repetitive strain injuries (e.g. Carpal tunnel syndrome, DeQuervain’s syndrome, cubital tunnel syndrome), nerve decompression repairs, wrist and hand fractures and sprains, arthritis, trigger fingers, and tendon/nerve repairs.
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If you Then Do Not wish To participate, please uncheck the following box. Yes, I wish To participate In the year-End raffle And Get the chance To win some Of our most interesting books, And other attractive prizes. I have read the Karger and agree. Type the blue character in ' VDV4PP E5K3'. Hum Paanch Ek Team Movie Free Download there. Abstract Objective: Evaluating the predictive factors that enable identifying men in which a sole MRI/ultrasound (MRI/US) fusion-guided targeted biopsy (TB) detects the maximal prostate cancer (PCa) risk group.
Patients and Methods: Retrospective analysis of 251 consecutive patients who received a sensor-based, real-time MRI/US TB in combination with a 10-core systematic biopsy (SB) between August 2013 and July 2015. Univariate and multivariate binary regression analyses were performed to evaluate the predictors for equal/superior detection of the PCa risk group by TB compared to SB. Results: TB detected PCa in 63% (157/251); SB detected PCa in 70% (176/251); a combination of TB and SB detected PCa in 77% (193/251) of cancer patients.