It looks like the forms on the website above have been scaled to fit USLetter (8.5 x 11) sized paper - the official forms are on Legal sized paper (8.5 x 14). They may not be accepted everywhere. Also the Immigration form (not the departure card but the long form) is also a carbon copy. I have had no problem with using a printed copy in Bimini but in West End they made me fill out the official version.

The forms are available here in the correct sizes: Those ones should be correct as they are from an official source.:thumbsup Ed. Project Engineering Of Process Plants Howard F Rase Pdf Converter on this page.
I Printed the forms from this site and prefilled them out. I had no problem clearing in Lucaya There is no problem with printing out those forms and using them - I have been doing it for years. I have my copies on the computer with all the static data filled out so all I need to do is fill out additional people and dates and print them off before a trip. They are legal sized forms (8.5x14) so should be printed on legal sized paper. The immigration form the OP is referring to is the pink form with a carbon copy sheet attached that must be filled out individually by each person on the boat. That cannot be printed. Eset License Generator.