Chuck Ragan Gold Country Blogspot Downloads. is a curated music destination for those looking for something outside of the mainstream. News, reviews, forums, articles, and commentary. Space page downloaded by prosecutors, who used them in their pre- sentencing report. Chuck Ragan Gold Country Blogspot Download Popcorn. Updated by Music Vice staff. Chuck Ragan, Gold Country 5 - Melvins, Chicken Swtich. I want to thank John over at for the exclusive rights to reprint this great article. Look for more reviews here at CollectingVinylRecords. is a. Comments 3 Downloads 1 year. Language: DownloadAdd to download Queue. Uploaded by blackened. Please login to vote. Album Gold Country. Chuck Ragan Gold Country album cover.

Review Summary: A refined and improved sophomore album from Hot Water Music's frontman. Feast Or Famine was a pretty big album for me and to this day I'm not sure why. There was just something addictive and memorable about Hot Water Music frontman Chuck Ragan playing these fairly simple acoustic numbers.
In a time where it seemed that every punk band had a member making a folk album, it was nice to hear Chuck actually taking influences from Western country music as opposed to merely playing acoustic versions of his band's music like everyone else was. For his latest album, Gold Country, the Western influences are even more apparent than they were on Feast Or Famine. Those who bothered to listen to Chuck's collaboration with Austin Lucas that was released last year, Bristle Ridge, should have seen this coming. Bristle Ridge was basically a pure country album, and while it could have been a huge failure, it was saved by the immense camaraderie that can be felt in the music, and while listening to it, you really can't help but think, 'This is what country music should be about. Computer Science Book For Class 11 By Sumita Arora Pdf Converter. ' Even though there were guest and gang vocals on Feast Or Famine, it still felt solely like a Chuck Ragan album.
Gold Country goes the way of Bristle Ridge, with more instruments and more gang vocals, and ultimately the album is stronger for it. Feast Or Famine's success came from its simplicity; it only took one or two listens to learn the words, and after that you were powerless to resist the urge to sing along. This album is more involved, the music is more immersive, and as such it does take longer to get into. Still, that doesn't mean there aren't immediately affecting songs here; '10 West' and 'Glory' are both instant clap-a-longs, and if you liked Feast Or Famine you'll definitely find a lot to love here. Dj Studio 3 Apk Download more. And dear god, his voice is absolutely perfect for this style of music. I actually got into Chuck Ragan's solo music before I really started to love Hot Water Music, and I think that's why I love all of his albums so much.
If you really pay attention you'll find that there are huge similarities between country and punk, mostly in the sense of friendship and camaraderie found in both genres. After years of forging friendships in the punk world, Chuck was definitely ripe to make some new ties in a similar genre. The results of those ties were first seen on Bristle Ridge, and with Gold Country, Chuck has refined and improved the sound.
To call me a Chuck Ragan fan, you’d pretty much have to stretch the limits of elasticity of the word to it’s breaking point. A couple of years ago, while my friends were buzzing like meth heads about an upcoming Chuck Ragan show, I’d never even heard of the man. Their references to also fell on deaf ears, as I’d never heard of them either. Then, as the initial Revival Tour was announced, I looked into the album Feast or Famine only to find myself underwhelmed and that’s why I’m as surprised as anyone else to be making the following statement. I can not find a single fault with Chuck Ragan’s newest effort, Gold Country. Since it’s release, Gold Country has been one of my favorite cds on my iPod, and my attachment to it seems to be growing with every listen. The improvement from Feast or Famine to Gold Country is not something to be glossed over.
Feast or Famine, to me, felt like the standard punk frontman putting out his obligatory folk album, as was the rage those days, but Gold Country is something else all together. Gold Country is, at is core, a country album. There are still some punk ethos bubbling through lyrically, but even this is cast in a much more mature light. Now I’m not gonna pretend to know anything about Chuck Ragan, but you can tell he spent some time working on these songs and the result is a instrument-heavy, passionate album that should make everyone (non-fans like myself included) sit up and take notice. So I guess this bears the question, am I now a Chuck Ragan fan?