Background If you have tried to install Windows 7 using a USB Flash Drive on a system that only has USB 3.0 ports, you might have found that you couldn’t get past the Language Select screen of the installer as your keyboard and mouse didn’t work. I recently had this problem when trying to install Win 7 onto my Gigabyte Brix XM12-3227. The keyboard and mouse worked great in the BIOS, but as soon as the Windows 7 installation media loaded and presented that familiar Language Select screen, I had no cursor or keyboard. I tried a couple of other things, like grabbing an older PS/2 keyboard and connecting it via a PS/2 to USB adapter. Same problem. It was at this point I decided to start Googling my problem, and low and behold I quickly discovered that Windows 7 does not have drivers for USB 3.0 built in. In fact, it doesn’t even know what to do with those ports once the BIOS hands over control to the installer image.
If your, that is probably the easiest option. However, my GIGABYTE BRIX had no such option that I could find. Well, I didn’t give up, I knew there had to be a way to add the necessary drivers to the installer, and it turns out there is! Adding support for USB 3.0 also works great if you want to install from a fast USB 3.0 flash drive! The entire install takes about 5 minutes with one of those. Step by Step Walk-Through 1. Get the right USB 3. Australian Standard As 5601 Gas Installations Tucson. 0 Drivers For your installer to work with your computer, make sure you grab the proper USB 3.0 drivers.
Sep 22, 2016 - 4 min - Uploaded by Mykola Politienkorun CMD as administrator md C: Drivers dism /online /export-driver /destination:C: Drivers.
My motherboard used Intel USB 3.0 drivers, and so I downloaded the latest version from Intel’s site. Look up your Motherboard’s drivers and see which ones you need. For convenience, I’ve added the latest drivers (as of the time of writing) for the most common USB 3.0 controllers. If you are unsure which drivers you need or have multiple computers, you can grab all of them.
Once you download the drivers, we will need to make a folder for the drivers we want to slipstream into our installation media. For the purpose of this example lets just call it “USB3 Fix.” Inside that folder create two separate folders: “USB3” and “mount”. Now extract all the drivers into that USB3 folder.
Get the “boot.wim” and “install.wim” files ** Thanks for all the comments pointing out that you also need to update the install.wim file! ** Next, we need to get the files we need to install/add the drivers on.
Open up your USB thumb drive that has your Windows 7 image on it and navigate to the Sources folder. Move the “boot.wim” file and “install.wim” into your “USB3 Fix” folder we created earlier. Update the “boot.wim” and “install.wim” Files Open up your cmd shell as an administrator. (Click Start on Windows 7, or Windows Key + Q on Windows 8, type in “cmd” and then right-click on the cmd application and choose Run as Administrator.) Once open, navigate to the USB3_Fix folder in the cmd shell, and type in the following commands in this order to update the boot.wim file. Dism / cleanup - wim After that command finishes, try mounting the wim that was giving you errors again and adding the drivers. *Thanks to Jason for pointing out the dism /cleanup-wim command. For more information about troubleshooting wim mounting see.
Replace the “boot.wim” and “install.wim” files Now you’re done! Simply place the modified “boot.wim” and “install.wim” file back into the “sources” directory on your Win 7 iso bootable USB thumb drive and everything should work as expected! Hope this saves people the 30 minutes it took me to find a solution that worked! Thanks go to Rakeesh, who originally posted this workaround. This worked fine with boot.wim successfully adding drivers dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c: wim boot.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c: mount dism /image:C: Mount /add-driver /driver:C: driver /recurse dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:C: mount /commit however, install.wim wount add the drivers dism /image:C: Mount /add-driver /driver:C: driver /recurse dism /image:c: mount /add-driver:c: driver /recurse (alternative try) results in a 15105 error I was basicaly doing excatly the same, so anyone have a clue wtf it wount work with install.wim when it worked fine with boot.wim //regards. What I have found is using Rockers Team RT Se7en Lite takes the coding at the prompt out of the equation. Collect the following drivers – see below: a.
Go to your mobo Mfg website and download the specific USB 3.0 drivers for your board., beware there could be multiple mfgs for one board ex: ASUS uses both Asemedia and Intel along with one other b. Go to Intel and download all of the floppy F6 based drivers. They are not board specific. If your running an NVMe Drive go to for instance Samsung or Intel and download those drivers as well.