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Number of employees 565 (2008) Website Footnotes / references Trident Microsystems was a company that in the 1990s was a well-known supplier of used in and on for and. In 2003, it transformed itself into being a supplier of display processors for digital televisions (primarily ) and achieved success starting from 2005, at a time when the global LCD TV market started showing strong growth. It filed for protection in January 2012 and the delisting of its common stock from the stock market was announced shortly thereafter. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • History [ ] Supplier of PC graphics chipsets [ ] Established in 1987, Trident gained a reputation for selling inexpensive (for the time) but slow chipsets. Many OEMs built add-in-boards using Trident chipsets. As the PC graphics market shifted from simple framebuffer displays (basic VGA color monitor and later multi-resolution SVGA output) to more advanced 2D hardware acceleration such a and color-space conversion (not to be confused with 3D hardware-acceleration), Trident continued its strategy of selling modestly performing chips at compelling price points.
In the mid-1990s, the company (briefly) caught up with its main competition: the TGUI-9680's feature-set was comparable to the Trio64V+, although the Trio64V+ outperformed the 9680 in mode. The rapid introduction of 3D graphics caught many graphics suppliers off guard, including Trident. It was not until the late 1990s that Trident finally released a competitive chip, the TGUI-9880 (Blade3D). By this time, Trident's reach had once again retreated to the low-end OEM market, where it was crowded by,, and. Download Driver Wavecom Fastrack M1306b Windows Xp. Meanwhile, in the laptop market, Trident was an early pioneer of, a technique which combines a graphics-controller and framebuffer memory on a single chip. The resulting combo-chip saved precious board-space by eliminating several RAM chips normally required for framebuffer storage as well as providing other advantages, offset by a higher manufacturing cost-per-bit. Loopstack Unlock Key Download Free. In this market it competed with.
Although Trident enjoyed some success with its 3DImage and Blade3D product-lines, the entry of into PC graphics signalled the end of the bottom-end, graphics-chip market. Trident partnered with motherboard chipset suppliers several times to integrate its graphics technology into a motherboard chipset (i.e. CyberALADDiN, MVP4), but these achieved marginal success. Supplier of digital TV chip solutions [ ] Faced with a contracting market and rising research and development costs (due to the increasing sophistication of 3D-graphics rendering), Trident announced a substantial restructuring of the company in June 2003. In late 2003, completed the acquisition of Trident's former graphics division, completing the transformation of the company into one focusing on DTV chip solutions.
Go Backup Pro Apk Скачать there. From this point on, Trident's research and development was mainly concentrated at its facilities in,, and a fully owned 115,000-square-foot research and development facility in Shanghai was completed in 2007. Trident quickly gained success in the chip market in 2005, providing competitive advantages in image quality and chip integration, outcompeting incumbent flat-panel IC leader and supplying chips to leading LCD TV brands and, and later and.