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• 1882 - First Jewish settlers start to colonise Palestine • 1917 - Balfour Declaration encourages Jews to settle in Palestine (without consulting Palestinians!) • 1948 - The Nakbah (the disaster suffered by the Palestinians at the creation of the state of Israel) • 2011 - Continuing Israeli occupation, expansion, siege, ethnic cleansing and racism. • (For a more detailed history of the Israeli occupation of Palestine go to '.) But this powerpoint slide show you can download pretty much says it all! Please copy and distribute. The Palestine Solidarity Campaign The (PSC) is an independent, non-governmental and non-party political organisation with members from many communities across Britain, and increasingly throughout the world. PSC represents people in Britain from all faiths and political parties, who have come together to work for peace and justice for the Palestinian people. PSC is opposed to all forms of racism, including anti-Jewish prejudice.
Exeter Branch Exeter PSC is one of many local affiliations in Britain to the Palestine Solidarity Campaign. Exeter PSC's website focuses on local matters and activities in particular and we organise our own local campaigns and events whilst also supporting those of a national and international nature. Daemon Tools Lite 4 41 3 0173 Setup Keygen Crack here. You can find out more a bout us, what we have done, and what we are planning, how you can help, or support us with donations, through the links above. You will also find links to other web sites allowing you to quickly access more information on any particular subject, contact other related organisations for information or events, or link to the national website to get a full update on the most recent situations in Palestine or the international campaign in general.
There is also information on how you can get involved in lobbying to help bring about an urgent and overdue solution to the appalling situation of the Palestinians. E Stamp Paper Download India. Economics Dan Moynihan Brian Titley Pdf To Word. If you are interested in finding out more, feel free to come to one of our regular meetings or events. Even if you know very little about the Israeli conflict in the Middle-East and the plight of the Palestinians or are worried about committing too much of your time to the Palestinian cause, you are welcome, anything you can do no matter how small can help. Please feel free to direct if you have any questions, we will try to reply within a few days.