Mum has recently moved into a new house fitted with a Glow Worm Ultracom 2 24cxi boiler. It has the optional digital timer fitted but it needs setting. I've contacted Glow Worm to request the manual but they sent me the boiler manual.
They didn't inspire confidence so frankly I couldn't be bothered to explain their mistake. I haven't managed to unearth the manual on their web site or Google despite a good hour of searching. Does anyone have a link to the manual for the timer? Please login (registration is free!) to view this link. All is forgiven.
Glow Worm did supply the correct document when I replied and asked them to check again. In case anyone else needs this, you need the 'Installation and User Instructions' for 'Digital Timer Kit Part No. I have the PDF but am not going to post it due to copyright.
If you encounter one of these and you need to get the heat on, here's the basics. The rest is fairly intuitive - it was the initial setting of the current time that stumped me. Ensure that the right sliding switch is in the RUN position 2. Press the ‘R’ button with the point of a biro or similar implement then release The display will start to ash 0:00 The time and day can now be set up.
To set the time and day 1. Press the HR and MIN keys simultaneously for 2-3 seconds. The display will stop ashing 2.
Press the DAY button to select the required day. An arrow will be shown in the display indicating the day of the week 3. Use the HR and MIN keys to set the time 4.
After 15 seconds the times will automatically pick up the time of day (the colon will start to ash) OR the right sliding switch can be set to the radiator or tap symbol and then back to RUN. The time of day will activated immediately. Free Download Audio Driver For Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit here.
Hello All, I am new to this forum, so please be patient if I do am posting in the wrong section. I have a Glow Worm 30cxi Boiler, with a Digital Programmer. I am trying to set the time for switching on in the morning and switching off, and again for the evening. But I can not figure out how to do this.
In general all electronic stuff I would say im ok. But this is a difficult one.
This page contains links to all of the Free Glow Worm Boiler Manuals we have. Care has been taken to name them all correctly but if you notice any errors or need a manual that isnt listed please contact us.
I do not know the make and model of the digital timer, but have a picture (How do I upload?). If any one can help, I would be most grateful! Many Thanks in advance.
Satish Karsan Rank: Labourer. [quote='satishk']Hello All, I am new to this forum, so please be patient if I do am posting in the wrong section. I have a Glow Worm 30cxi Boiler, with a Digital Programmer.
I am trying to set the time for switching on in the morning and switching off, and again for the evening. But I can not figure out how to do this. In general all electronic stuff I would say im ok. But this is a difficult one. I do not know the make and model of the digital timer, but have a picture (How do I upload?). If any one can help, I would be most grateful!
Many Thanks in advance. Satish Karsan[/quote][quote][/quote] Reply. I had it up to the neck with the digital timer, so I replaced it with the analogue type, the one which uses little plastic pins to switch the boiler on and off at preset times. You can set it over a day to switch on and off many times, or have it on constant if you wish. Should never have bought the damned digital one in the first place, every time there was a glitch in the mains the timer would need re setting, and the procedure is one major pain in the rear to do.
Get shot of the digital timer and get the analogue one, about £35 from Plumb Centre, well worth it to kill the frustration of trying to keep on setting up the digital clock. Rank: Labourer.