Jenway 6100 Spectrophotometer Manual

• Section 3 System Description Section 4 Optical Description Section 5 Electronic Description Section 6 Software and Operation Section 7 Diagnostics Section 8 Maintenance Section 9 Circuit Diagrams Section 10 Assembly Diagrams Section 11 Spare Parts List Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Section 1 Introduction 1.0 Index to Sections 1.1 About This Manual 1.2 Using This Manual 1.3 Warnings & Safe Practice 1.4 Standards & Certification 1.5 Ordering Spares 1.6 Returning Items 1.7 Contacting Jenway Limited Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Main Sub-Assemblies Power Supply Voltages Signal Levels Error Codes Special Key Functions Test Solutions Section 3 - System Description Background Sub-Assemblies Accessories Outputs Section 4 - Optical Description Light source Grating Shutter and Filter Signal Detector Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Section 7 – Diagnostics Diagnostics Mode Shutter and Filter Control Lamp Control Zero Order Calibration.

Section 8 – Maintenance Routine Maintenance Dismantling Optical Alignment Energy Levels Wavelength Calibration A to D Calibration D to A Calibration Performance Verification Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Microprocessor PCB Schematic 630 013 Microprocessor PCB Layout 630 013 Section 10 - Assembly Diagrams 10.1 6300 Final Assembly 630 503 10.2 6300 Lower Case Assembly 630 510 10.3 6300 Top Case Assembly 630 010 10.4 6300 Optics Assembly 630 508 10. Grill Perczynski Wirtschaftslehre Des Kreditwesens Pdf To Word. 5 6300 Rear Panel Assembly 630 012 Section 11 –. • This manual covers the service, maintenance, calibration and repair of the Jenway Ltd model 6300 Spectrophotometer.

(From serial number 5000 upwards, for lower numbers please refer to 6300 Mk1 Manual) This manual must be used in conjunction with the Instruction. • 1.5 Ordering Spares When ordering spare parts as detailed in this manual please quote the Part Number and Description. These items should be ordered from the original supplier of the equipment or your local Jenway Limited Distributor. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Jenway Limited Distributor. 1.7 Contacting Jenway Limited Before contacting Jenway Limited please check our web pages for any information or updates that may be helpful to you. Emails should be sent to

• Section 2 Quick Reference 2.0 About ‘Quick Reference’ 2.1 Specification 2.2 Main Sub-Assemblies 2.3 Power Supply Voltages 2.4 Signal Levels 2.5 Error Codes 2.6 Special Key Functions 2.7 Test Solutions Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Better than 1% per Hour (after warm up) Readout Custom LCD Outputs Analogue (0 to 1999mV) & RS232 Serial Supply Voltages 115/230 V a.c. Power Less than 50W Dimensions 365 (w) x 272 (d) x 160 (h) mm Weight Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Tungsten Halogen lamp 032 005 12V Solenoid 630 516 IR Filter 630 012 Rear Panel Assembly – includes the following 016 021 2A Fuse 20 x 5mm 017 050 Mains Switch 009 123 Mains Input Socket Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • PCB, measure between pins 2 (positive) and 15 (0V) on IC101 on the Display PCB.

-10V dc generated on the RS232 Interface, IC101, on the Display PCB, measure between pins 8 (negative) and 15 (0V) on IC101 on the Display PCB. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • 720nm Output, Set wavelength to 720nm, Dark Shutter open, IR stray light filter open, Voltage Display must not be greater than 3600mV. If greater than 3600mV check the lamp, lamp supply voltage, other power supply levels and detector PCB.

Cells in both chemostats were grown under the conditions described above to the steady state, as verified by collecting at least 5 culture volumes and measuring the optical density at 600 nm with a Jenway 6100 spectrophotometer (path length, 1 cm) before cells were collected by centrifugation. Samples were taken for. 6100 SPECTROPHOTOMETER. OPERATING MANUAL. Instrument Description. Instrument Specification. Optical Alignment Check. Initial Set-Up. Sample Measurement. Good Practice Guidelines.

Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • Err 5, No zero order (white) light found during wavelength calibration in start up routine.

This error is given during the wavelength calibration routine, indicating that even the initial threshold level was not achieved. Possible causes are; incorrect Jenway 6300 Ser Man. • See Section 8.6. View Start Up Routine. Hold the key depressed while turning on the power.

This enables the detector output and grating position to be monitored on the display during the Start Up Routine. Jenway 6300 Ser Man. Sodium Nitrate – 50g/l in deionised water, should give less than 0.1% Transmittance at 340nm. All these solutions are hazardous and the manufacturer/suppliers safety precautions should be carefully followed at all times in preparation, use and storage. Jenway 6300 Ser Man.