How To Install Language Pack Motorola V3i. 'Hi Ken, do you know how much is a runtime license please? We are facing same issue with our peopletools 8.50 upgrade and we are starting to look for different solutions and costs. Thanks in advance. ---------------Original Message--------------- From: ccavett Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 11:17 AM Subject: Microfocus COBOL license problems >Has anyone else had problems with Microfocus COBOL licenses after moving a virtual server to a new host? >>We are trying to install version 5.1 of Net Express for our PeopleTools 8.50 upgrade. >>Oracle won't give us a new license until we revoke the old one. >>I went to our installation of Net Express 4.0 for Tools 8.48, but was unable to generate a revoke key.
'Anyone installed MicroFocus Net Express Cobol on Windows 7? I am trying to install it (5.1 or 5.0) and unable to complete it, as it says it is needs a prereq of windows xp SP1 or later or windows 2000 sp4 or later etc Wondering to see anyone got past through this message or have a workaround? Find Micro Focus software downloads at CNET Download.com, the most comprehensive source for safe, trusted, and spyware-free downloads on the Web.
It says the license has expired. Ghost Rider Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd Kickass. >>We recently moved that server from a Microsoft Virtual host to a VMware host. I suspect this has something to do with our problem. Net Express probably no longer recognizes it is still on the same machine where it was installed, even though it is. >>Has anyone else had a problem with this? What did you do?
>>At some point, if you insist that you no longer have the active installation which Oracle says you have, will they give you a new license, even if you are unable to generate a revoke key? >>Our tools upgrade is in jeopardy if we can't compile our COBOL. >>Thanks for any suggestions. There are 2 issues on hand. The first is runtime and the second is compiler.
From version 4 onwards, run time is separate from the compiler and you can download and /or copy the required cbl files for the run time by just installing the run time dlls.MFLICENSE-EXTRACT is the directory that had these and can be downloaded from customer connection. The RUN TIME is free. The second is the compiler. From MF version 3 onwards, PEOPLESOFT does not compile cobols any longer. So you need a Cobol compiler.
MICRO FOCUS NET EXPRESS and SERVER express are the only compilers that are certified to work with PeopleSoft, you can if you so desire use any of the other compilers but these 2 are the only versions certified. FOR THIS you pay a separate license fee.
The fee is based on the number of Compiler installation and goes on a slab. I think the lowest slab is 1 to 5 installation. You can install the 30 day version and then sent a request for a perm license to their email think it is email@removed ( look up the email from customer connection) for the permanent lic. They will ask details such as site id, customer name. Usually because you only have one if not 2 installation, they send you the license code quickly, sometimes you have issues where they will insist that you send the deactivation code. I am sure that the oracle support rep will understand so long as you have not made too many inquires in a short period of time.
Like I explained you can download and install the compiler anytime and compile the codes free for 30 days. V From: peopletools-l@Groups.ITtoolbox.com To: email@removed Date: Fri, 9 Jul 2010 14:13:38 +0530 Subject: RE: RE:[peopletools-l] Microfocus COBOL license problems Posted by PeopleSoft Admin on Jul 9 at 4:43 AM Mark as helpful I think by default when you install first time you will be getting 30 days temporary license so no need to installed any license for new installation of Micorfocus 5.1. But letter on you can ask oracle to provide permanent license. Thanks and Regards Abhijit Dhuri ________________________________ From: Nicolas B via peopletools-l [peopletools-l@Groups.ITtoolbox. Boujou 5.0.2 Crack Download. com] Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2010 11:57 PM To: Abhijit Dhuri Subject: RE:[peopletools-l] Microfocus COBOL license problems Posted by Nicolas B (System Integration Specialist) on Jul 8 at 2:25 PM Mark as helpful Hi Ken, do you know how much is a runtime license please? We are facing same issue with our peopletools 8.50 upgrade and we are starting to look for different solutions and costs. Thanks in advance. Yes they will supply you with a 30 day code for either NetExpress or ServerExpress.