Jan 20, 2012. After some 'reverse-engineering' on the queries made by the Navicat tool when opening the design table window for a table (queries retrieving info about. A.constraint_name, MAX( DECODE(position,1,substr(column_name,1,30),NULL) ) MAX( DECODE(position,2,',' substr(column_name,1,30),NULL) ). This Oracle tutorial explains how to use the Oracle / PLSQL SUBSTR function with syntax and examples. The Oracle / PLSQL SUBSTR functions allows you to extract a substring from a string.

Hello, We are using EA as a metadata and model repository for large Oracle project. We do use reverse engineering and code generation on everyday basis. Is there a solution (add-in, template) to reverse engineer PLSQL package to the point of having its real functions and procedures represented under package as operations? Currently EA provides reverse of PLSQL package as Package: Package name Package operations: >specification() operation as for package speciffication and >body() where whole code for each part is stored in Behavior:Initial Code. We are looking for soultion to reverse package into a following representation.
For example: Package:Package name Package operations: >Function_1(int) >Function_2(int) >Procedure_1 I would strongly appreciate any help with this. Shaka Ponk Geeks And The Jerkin Socks Download Music.
Written by Jerry Mattsson This document was written some time ago but have not been published anywhere, so if anyone can use it, that is fine. I revised it and put some new comments in here and there. The contents is not version specific to the database but covers only PL/SQL version 2. The purpose of this document is to serve as a practical guide or as a standard for programmers and system designers, writing, generating or specifying program modules that access an Oracle Rdbms.
The conventions stated here should be applied as far as possible regardless of which tool or environment that are used to create or execute PL/SQL code. This document may be included in your system design guidelines or standards, as long as it is included as is, or the reference is clearly stated. Your own addition could be placed in an addendum or a preface, stating which parts that are used, changes to the parts used, or the parts that you want to exclude from your design guide. Suggestions and questions are welcomed, e-mail:. ORACLE, Oracle*Forms.
SQL* Forms, SQL*Plus, and SQL*ReportWriter are registered trademarks, and CASE*Generator, and PL/SQL are trademarks of. Reformatted Dec-2002. I hope it looks a little bit better. • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SQL is a set oriented language and has very limited procedural capabilities even if a lot of tasks may be and should be solved using pure SQL. A lot of things are possible to achieve with SQL, but we are more procedural in our thinking, than set oriented.
When things gets a little complex, breaking things down in procedural code often gives us a better understanding ( and code ) than thinking in terms of sets and set functions. If a problem is solved using both approaches, the SQL solution is often more efficient than the procedural equivalent. Do not try to solve your design problems with simple SQL-code and a lot of procedural code, try to solve it the other way around. In most cases this will give better performance, a more stable, more secure system and have a better code structure. Programs that access an Oracle database must use SQL. This can be done in a lot of ways, with 3GL-languages like C/C++, Fortran, COBOL.