The outstanding tale of an indomitable 95-year-old lady – and of the main notable century in Ethiopia's heritage. A brand new 'Wild Swans'. An “incandescent.redefining biography of a massive poet whose popularity keeps to ascend” (Booklist, starred review)—Wallace Stevens, probably an important American poet of.
PLAINFIELD, N.' J., COURIER-NEWS, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 10ZO Telephone PlalnHHd SOf-y PAGE SIX Papal Pact Signers With Lindy f Many New Bills Are Introduced To LowerHouseBody Trenton, Ftb. A pre-vlewing of motion pictures by a Board of Censors is authorized In a bill in. Troduced In the lower branch of the Legislature last night by As semblyman Wettsteln of Cumberland. The measure will receive conconclderaticn by the House ways and means committee of ft,-': ' ' - i K j. '4 If ' j ' I Directors Again Name E. Laing As Company Head E.
Laing was re-elected as president of the Union Building and Loan Company at the meeting of the board of directors held after the annual election of the board members by the shareholders last night Other officers elected by the Board were the following: Vice-President, A. Edgar; secretary, C. Ornes; treasurer, C. Vail; assistant treasurer, E. Quimby; appraisal committee, J. Vanderhoef and Lamar VanSyckle; finance committee, C H. Robinson and M.
Van Arsdale; counsel, C. Members of the board elected in the shareholders' meeting included C. Gaff- To Give Contract For Route 29 Job Li Union Tuesday Trenton, Feb.
On another modern Improvement, the bridging of a new route No. 29, over Stuyvesant avenue, In Union Township, Union County, were received by the State Highway Commission yesterday.:Award of the work is to be made at the meeting of the board next Tuesday. This grade separation will embrace the most advanced thought in road building to eliminate delays and the dangers of collision on too heavily traveled arteries. Route 29, which Is now being. Built between Newark and.Union County, will be.
The Holland Tunnel Route through: North Plalnfield, Bound Brook.. Ringoes, Lambertville, Washington's Crossing and Trenton Junction.. Stuyvesant avenue t- I 'r.
I 1-1.1- A v t m r. Erset Is chairman. A State-wide referendum on lawj exempting real or personal proper, ty from tax prooosed In a bill by Assemblyman Huelsenbeck of Es sex. The-yearly Increase In the to. Tal of exempted property has raised considerable criticism rs cently and the bill would serve to offset that condition, it Is be. Lieved., A bill to provide a 'rest day' for wild fowl was introduced by A3. Semblyman Otto of Union, The measure would make it unlawful to go 'gunning for wild fowl cn Wd.
Nesday of each week during thft- open season. A penalty of $50 for each offense is provided.
The ban vould b Disced on wild gooee. Brant, wild duck, wild swan, coot or rallinule.
' The baiting of wild fowl with grain, as practiced by clubs and in. Encoding Pdf417 Drivers License Format For Hawaii. Dividual sportsmen. Is the target for another bill by Mr. A ' third bill bv the same Assembly- i man is designed to prohibit the i taking of pickerel through the icv, between Dec. 1 and May 20. ' A State-wlda ban on firecrackers, '.
Toy pistols and other fireworks it i sought in a bill by Assemblyman Greenbere of Hudson. The restrio tlons would replace municipal rep. A bill by Assemblywoman Stell of Essex reauires that all at, oointees to public positions In th State must have voted at one of the two general elections prior t appointment. The nav of netit lurors would hk w rill n juHvmn vmin rv iispr 11 r a & t j i t t 1- 1 z v in Union Township, being in the area surrounded by Elizabeth, Springfield and Roselle already carries heavy traffic and the engineers devised the bridge for the new State road to give a grade separation similar to that being completed on the shore road. Route 4, and the Tunnel road. Near Rah way.