We were talking with a prospective client the other day and they couldn’t understand why they had to be logged in, to view their Facebook page. Of all the websites, Facebook has the most amount of changes, and it can be a lot to keep up with! Since we get this Facebook question so much, we thought we’d address it here to help others.
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If people need to log in, in order to see your Facebook page, then your page settings have been set with restrictions and it’s not a public page. The good news is, you can fix this! We’re talking about Facebook Business Pages, not personal profiles. If you’re not sure if your FB page is viewable to the general public, then give it this quick test: Go to Facebook, check to see if your logged in, and if so just click on the drop-down menu next to “Home” on the right hand side, scroll down and click logout. Log out of Facebook You may want to clear your cache (on your browser) as well. Now enter in your Facebook URL, and when it pulls up your page do you see the generic Facebook page asking you to sign up or login? Or, do you actually see your page, but it has an option to log in on top? Below are two images.
The one on the left shows a public page, while the one on the right shows a restricted page. Bronx Forensic Link Program For People. If your page has restrictions, then the user will need to be logged in to view your page. Example Of A Non-Public Facebook Page Adjust Facebook Settings 1.
Login to Facebook 2. Riso Cz 180 Service Manual Free Download. Go to your page 3. Click “Edit Page” 4. Click “Manage Permissions” on the left hand side “Country Restrictions” If you have a restriction your page will not be public. Someone must be logged in, in order to view your page.
“Age Restriction” If you have a restriction your page will not be public. Someone must be logged in, in order to view your page. If you page is for a bar is alcohol related you must choose “alcohol restriction” which means your page will not be public. If you don’t go with it’s proper restriction you put your page and your business at risk for not being compliant. Bummer, we know! “Moderation Blacklist” If there is anything written in that box, your page will not be public. Someone must be logged in, in order to view your page.
“Profanity Blacklist” If you have selected an option other than “none” your page will not be public. Someone must be logged in, in order to view your page. Those are the 4 reasons that your Facebook page would require someone to login in order to see your page. See image below.
The red arrows point to the four areas of restrictions. It could be any number of things. Have you tried using different browsers Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer? Are you on a laptop or desktop computer vs. A mobile device such as a tablet? Mobile devices often won’t show the full features.
Have you posted content previously, and is it only now that it’s not working. Unfortunately there are numerous variables. It does sound like you are referring to your personal profile, rather than a Facebook business page. But even so, there are still many variables. A couple of things: (1) If you are logged in to Facebook and still can’t access or see your page, that’s a problem.
However, I believe you can find your page, it’s just that when you enter NGO in the search box in Facebook it doesn’t show up. That’s normal, unfortunately. One reason is that their search function isn’t great, also they are changing their search function moving to social graph and that’s going to have an effect on the results. If you’re Facebook page is well optimized by having a filled out “about” page, link to your website, you post regularly, you have more than a handful of fans, you’ve got some engagement on the page etc. That will help it to appear in the search. (2) Feel free to leave the link to your Facebook page so we can take a quick look (3) These days (and this can change again any day – since Facebook is always changing how it functions) But, these days Facebook is wanting people to be logged-in, in order to view a Facebook page. That may change back again though.
Hope that helps! It is true that one can not include spaces in the URL, so Facebook.com/inthecove is the best way to set the URL for the page.