Hello, I'm a contarex and alpa user. Recently I got a contax s2 which I'm going to use intensively. As a camera collector I always wonder how serial numbers of a specific brand works. Can someone help me decripting contax serial numbers. I'm also intersted in information about overal contax production. I found something but I'm still missing info about global production of contax model (RTS II, III, ST, RX, AX and S2/S2b). Any info helping me in depicting the numbers of contax procution is the welcome!
Hello, as I received not answer to my previous request I will add some considerations based on a serial numers observation from ebay. This in the hope that readers looking to their own cameras can help me in further understanding Contax serial numbers. Assunptions are the following: 1. Austempering Martempering Pdf Download more. ST, RX, RTS III, S2, AX could share the same serial number sequence; 2. G1/G2 follow a different serial numbering system (Some G1 number would otherwise backdate cameras to 1992 which cannot be) 3. N1 and NX follow an own serial numbering system.
I also observed: ST and RTS III share numbers up to >65XX RTS III are more common up to 85XX RX can be found up to 10.0XX S2 60th ed (1992) start colose to 11.0XX RX also share with AX number over 15.0XX up to 30.0XX (millennium ed. From 2000) I hope that someone can help me determining the global production of the series ST, RX, RTS III, S2 and AX which seems to. Driver De Pcchips P25g V3 0. Image Optimizer Standard Edition Download.
Interested in when your prewar/wartime Contax was produced? Although less Zeiss-Ikon documentation survived WWII than other manufacturers, it's still simple to date your camera. This is due to the fact that Zeiss-Ikon used a letter code preceding actual serial number of any particular Contax camera. This letter indicates. Nov 11, 2011. After a crazy day in the old camera world, I was very fortunate to become the owner of a Zeiss Contax II rangefinder! I am trying to dig around online to find serial number information for the body but so far cannot figure out when the camera was made. The serial number starts with the letter M and I can't find.