NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 is now released for PC and get ready to take advantage of the totally revamped battle system and prepare to dive into the most epic fights you’ve ever seen. STORM series has always come up with good number of issues that did not let the gamers install/play the game. We have put up this guide to solve few of the prominent errors prevailing in Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate ninja storm 4 PC version. If you have any error/ crash/bug that isn’t discussed here, head back to the comments section and post it right there. We’ll look into it and come up with a reply as soon as possible. # Main menu lags fix: It’s been said that the main menu is lagging during the start of the game. To solve the problem, just unplug the unwanted USB devices and reboot your PC.
# Severe Lag issues and very LOW FPS issues in NSUNS4 fix: Various forums related to the game are all filled with “low fps issues”. We have few workarounds that can probably solve the lag issues Method 1 In this method will work only for Nvidia GPU users.If you are a Nvidia GPU user,then go to nvidia control panel.To open it,just left click anywhere on the Desktop and select Nvidia Control panel. *After opening “Manage 3D settings”, change the GPU performace to the highest. Steamworks G1030st Manual High School. Also, set high priority to the game in Task manager. Method 2:Change the Values in INI file • Find the NSUNSR.ini file in the root directory and change it’s values as given below.Before making any changes,make sure that you backed up the file because sometimes it may get corrupted. [screensetting] iMaxdecalsperscale=100 Framerate=25 You can change the frame rate value to more like 30,40.