Ford Ids Software Licensing

Introduction To Mathematical Programming Ebook Free. Fine Print 6 01 Crack Cocaine. Site Security Tool Box Talk Forms. Renew a License IDS Software Licensing Help IDS Software License Renewal Process IDS Software Licenses must be renewed to continue using IDS beyond the expiration date. The license renewal process consists of two steps: • In the IDS Software License Account* - Create a new 20-digit renewal activation code. • In IDS - Activate the new 20-digit renewal activation code in IDS.

*IDS Software License Accounts accessed as follows: Ford Dealers and Ford Internal Users: PTS website, Ford Fleets: → Maintenance → Technical Resource Center → PTS, Retail Customers: → IDS Software Licensing. There are two ways to create a new renewal activation code as described below: • Auto Renewal Process - (Available Only to Dealers and Ford Internal Users) This process automatically creates a new renewal activation code thirty-four (34) days before the existing license expires. • Manual Renewal Process - (Available Only to Retail and Ford Fleet Accounts) This process requires an action to select the Renew Button from the IDS Software Licensing Screen to create a new renewal activation code as shown below. The above two processes create a new renewal activation code and assign it to the same Reference Number of the currently licensed activation code. Newly created renewal activation codes will be displayed and highlighted on the IDS Software Licensing Screen as shown below. To view all the activation codes assigned to a given Reference Number, click on the Reference Number on the main IDS Software Licensing Screen.