Get Monitor Information A Powershell Module/Script that gets the serial number, make and model of a monitor(s) attached to a computer via WMI Module vs Script I've included both a module and script version of this. This allows you to either run it quickly for one-off situations (script version) or install it (module version) into your PSModule path (see instructions below) for long-term use without relying on a having the script file's path.
Module Installation If you choose to install the.psm1 module version of this, follow these instructions: • Find your PSModule paths by running $env:PSModulePath.Split(';') in a Powershell prompt • Place a folder in any one of these paths named Monitor-Information (this can actually be anything) • Place Monitor-Information.psm1 inside of this folder • If you have Powershell 3 or higher running the command (in this case Get-Monitor) will automatically import the module, otherwise you'll need to run Import-Module Monitor-Information and then run the command. Usage (Script) To use the script.
Jul 27, 2017 I have seen a ton of scripts online for getting this information but cant seem to just get the output for local machine how I want it. All I am trying to get is. Nov 14, 2016. Sometimes I feel the need to do a small inventory. Image Optimizer Standard Edition Download. In this case, the need to do that with monitors found itself to the upper corners of my cranium. I wanted to get the manufacturer and model. Remembering that many customers also like a serial number in their CMDBs, I put that in there too So while waiting. Oct 23, 2010. This function gathers monitor EDID data using the WmiMonitorID WMI class. This class was introduced in Windows Vista, so this function will not work against XP systems. Some of the information can be very useful, such as the serial number, but not all manufacturers correctly encode this information into. Hostname, Model of PC, Serial Number, Last Logged in User 1, Last logged inuser 2, Monitor 1 make/Model/serial number, Monitor 2 make/model/serial number, Monitor 3 make/model/serail number, Monitor 4 make/model/serial number. Questions: -Any other suggestions, methods others in similar.