Bendix-Technico (Stromberg) 1-barrel downdraft carburetor model BXUV-3, with nomenclature A carburetor () or carburettor (; ) is a device that mixes air and fuel for in the proper ratio for combustion. It is sometimes colloquially shortened to carb in the UK and North America or carby in Australia. To carburate or carburet (and thus carburation or carburetion, respectively) means to mix the air and fuel or to equip (an engine) with a carburetor for that purpose. Kenmore Range Model C880 Manual Lymphatic Drainage. Carburetors have largely been supplanted in the automotive and, to a lesser extent, aviation industries.
They are still common on for, and other equipment. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Etymology [ ] The word carburetor comes from the French carbure meaning '.
Vue Xstream 2014 Ple Download here. Carburer means to combine with (compare also ). In fuel chemistry, the term has the more specific meaning of increasing the carbon (and therefore energy) content of a fluid by mixing it with a volatile.

History and development [ ] The first carburetor was invented by in 1826. Later, developed another carburetor at the in 1882, for his, the first petrol combustion engine (one cylinder, 121.6 cc) prototyped on 5 August 1882. [ ] A carburetor was among the early patents by (1888) as he developed internal combustion engines and their components. Early carburetors were of the surface type, in which air is combined with fuel by passing over the surface of gasoline. In 1885, and developed a float carburetor based on the. The Daimler-Maybach carburetor was copied extensively, leading to patent lawsuits. British courts rejected the Daimler company's claim of priority in favor of 's 1884 spray carburetor used on his.
Hungarian and patented a carburetor for a in 1893. Of, England, experimented with the wick carburetor in cars. In 1896, Frederick and his brother built the first gasoline-driven car in England, a single cylinder 5 hp (3.7 kW) internal combustion engine with chain drive. Belkin Wireless Router Ce0560 Manual Woodworkers there.