3Click the Options button and, in the Label Options dialog that appears, select the type of label you want to print. Softtech Spirit 2012 Pro Crack. Although the Labels dialog offers only one field for the contents of your labels (named Address), you can create many other types of labels through the Label Options dialog.
Jiffy Ice Auger Serial Numbers. (Click the Label Products pop-up menu to see more manufacturers.) You can also create diskette, name badge, file folder, ID card, and many other types of labels with a single click. But, regardless of the kind of label you’re making, you still type the information into a field named Address in the Labels dialog.
You might already know that you can download tons of Microsoft Word templates for the most common labels directly from the Avery Label Website. You can open a Word template in Pages, but you'll often need to adjust the measurements slightly to make the templates work. (If you choose to go this route,. Dec 29, 2012 1:03 PM in response to VikingOSX. If you need more finesse, or frequency in label printing, Label Printer Pro 7 may be a strategic solution with Avery support. Works in Mountain Lion per the development team. Dec 29, 2012 1:03 PM. Reply options. It's easy to use Avery label products with Word. You can configure Word to print to many Avery products by selecting the specific product from a list. This topic shows you how to do that and print the text you specify on those labels.