Of a horse hoof showing rotation of the and evidence of sinking, a condition often associated with laminitis. The annotation P2 stands for the, or bone, and P3 denotes the distal phalanx, or coffin bone. The yellow lines mark the distance between the top and bottom part of the coffin bone relative to the hoof wall, showing the distal (bottom) of the coffin bone is rotated away from the hoof wall. Laminitis is a disease that affects the feet of, and is found mostly in and. Clinical signs include foot tenderness progressing to inability to walk, increased digital pulses, and increased temperature in the hooves. Severe cases with outwardly visible clinical signs are known by the colloquial term, and progression of the disease may lead to perforation of the coffin bone through the sole of the hoof, requiring aggressive treatment.

Main article: The bones of the hoof are suspended within the hooves of ungulates by layers of modified skin cells, known as laminae or lamellae, which act as shock absorbers during locomotion. Almond Verba Civic Culture Pdf Download more. Ceramah Mualaf Pendeta Matius. In horses, there are about 550–600 pairs of primary laminae, each with 150–200 secondary laminae projection from their surface.